UFO 0110 Int. Digital Film Fest offers opportunity for new Filmmakers to show their talent


UFO 0110 Int. Digital Film Fest offers opportunity for new Filmmakers to show their talent

New and amateur filmmakers is said to get an opportunity to showcase their talent at a platform decked with who's who of global and Indian cinema with the country's digital film festival UFO 0110 International Digital Film Festival introducing a contest to promote new talent and fresh ideas in the industry.

UFO 0110 International Digital Film Festival will be organized 23rd February 2012 to 1st March 2012 at Siri Fort Auditorium New Delhi.

Christened as 'Film in 6 Days', the one-of-its-kind competition will present a challenge to young film makers to direct a short film in a brief span of six days. To facilitate this process and help the participants bring their imagination into life, the organizers will provide all the logistical support to them.

Madhureeta Anand, Festival Director, UFO 0110 IDFF and Film Director & Founder of Ekaa Films said,"The six day competition is an integral and important part of the UFO 0110 International digital Film Festival. It's our way of seeing that budding filmmakers get a chance to make films that on the one hand can be a showcase of their work and on the other hand can be learning experience. This is why the chosen teams will have access to well known and regarded people from the film industry who can advise and guide them. It's a unique opportunity. For us at the film festival it's our way of planting seeds. We hope that these very filmmakers will, in the future, send in films to the festival and add to the viewing experience and quality of the festival."

Sudhir Mishra, Jury member of the last IDFF, a renowned and critically acclaimed Bollywood Director said, "Digital format of film making is an amazing format that gives you the freedom to shoot things, make a movie, put forth your viewpoint about an issue/agenda etc while overcoming the constraints of inadequate funding or networking etc. It is a wonderful medium for independent voices and certainly more and more people are now open to the idea of digital film making. As a jury member a had very fond memories of the featival, Even the quality of films churned out by amateur film makers / directors such as students or those coming from non- film industry background is very exciting. Festival like IDFF should be promoted so that maximum talent can be discovered."

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