
Not too long ago, I blogged with a view of how you can contribute to the DFIR community, and this post seems to have sparked some discussion, leading to posts from other bloggers.  I saw via Twitter this morning that Christa Miller had posted her review of the Jonathan Fields book, Uncertainty.  Unfortunately, Twitter is poor medium for commenting (although many seem to prefer it) as 140 characters simply is not enough space to offer comments, input or feedback on something.  Far too often, I think, for many forensicators it comes down to tweeting or nothing.  When that happens, I honestly believe the something is lost, and the community is less for it.  As such, I opted to post the thoughts that Christa's review percolated here on my own blog.

I won't rehash Christa's review here...there's really no point in doing that.  Christa is an excellent writer, and the only way to do her review and writing justice is to recommend that you go read what she's written, and draw your own opinions.

Two sentences in particular within Christa's review really caught my attention:

A forensicator’s fear of looking stupid or failing is not, on its face, all that irrational. Who wouldn’t worry about how one’s employer or a courtroom will react to the disclosure that you don’t have all the answers?

What I thought was interesting about this was not so much whether this fear is irrational or not; rather, what caught my attention was the "one's employer or a courtroom".  I'm sure that a lot of analysts are faced with this very situation or feeling, and as such, I wouldn't discount as being irrational at all.  Now, I'm not saying that Christa's review did this...rather, I'm simply saying that as a community, this is a place where a number of analysts find themselves.

When I was in graduate school, I was surrounded by other students, a few of whom were PhD candidates.  There were a great number of PhD academic professors, of course, and perhaps one of the most powerful things I learned in my 2 1/2 years at NPS was something one of my instructors shared with me.  He had been an enlisted Marine, switched over to "the dark side" to become an officer, and was a Major by the time he left the Marine Corps to pursue his PhD.  In short, he told me that if I was struggling with a 6th order differential equation, after no more than 15 minutes of not making any headway, ask for help.

That's right.  Admit that you need help, assistance, a gentle nudge...hey, we all find at times that we've worked ourselves into a tight corner by going down a rabbit hole, particularly the wrong one.  Why keep doing it, if all you really need is a little help?

So, I found myself thinking about that statement years later when I would be going over another analyst's case notes and report, and I'd see "Registry Analysis - 16 hrs" and nothing else.  No "this is what I was looking for" and no "this is what I found."  Why was that?  Why would a consultant consume 8 or 16 hrs doing something that they had no idea of and had no discernible results, and then charge a customer for that time?  Particularly when someone who could provide assistance was a phone call or a cubicle away?

Whenever I've encountered a situation where I'm not familiar with something, I tend to reach out for some assistance.  While I was on the ISS ERS team, I was tasked with a Saturday morning response to address a FreeBSD firewall in a server room in another state.  Now, I have some familiarity with Linux, but hey, this is a firewall...so I asked the engagement manager to see about lining someone up with whom I could speak once I got on-site, got situated and got an idea of what was going on.  After all, I'm not an expert on much of anything, in particular FreeBSD firewalls.

Having worked with teams of analysts over the years, I've seen this "fear of failure" issue several times.  Each time, I see two sides to the issue...on one hand, you have the analyst who's afraid to even ask a question, because (as I've been told) they're afraid of "looking stupid" to their peers and boss.  So what happens is that instead of asking for help, they turn in a report that's incomplete, full of glaring holes in the analysis and conclusions, and essentially blank case notes.  That gig to analyze one image that was spec'd out at 48 hrs now takes 72 or even 96 (or more) hours to complete between multiple analysts, and while the customer ultimately gets a half-way decent deliverable, your team has lost money on the engagement.  On top of that, there's now some ill-will on the team...because one analyst didn't want to ask for help, now another analyst has to drop everything (including their family time after 5pm) to work late, in emergency mode.

On the other hand, there's the analyst who does ask questions, does ask for assistance, and in the process learns something that they can then carry forward on future engagements.  The customer receives a comprehensive report in a timely manner, and the analyst is able to meet their revenue numbers, allowing them the time to take a vacation or "mental health day", and receive a bonus.

My point is this...there's not one of us that knows everything, and regardless of what your individual perception may be, no one expects you to know everything.  If you have a passion for what you do, you learn when you ask questions and engage with others, you incorporate that new information into what you do, and you grow from it.  If you're worried about people thinking you'll "look stupid", an option would be to pursue a trusted adviser relationship with someone with whom you feel comfortable asking questions.

If you're concerned with someone seeing you ask a question publicly (potential employer, defense counsel), then find someone you can ask questions of "off the grid". 

Ultimately, as I see it, the question becomes, do you continue into the future not knowing something, or do you ask someone and at the least get a leg up on fully discovering the answer?  Would you rather look like you don't know something for a moment (as you ask the question) and then have an answer (or at least a pathway to it), or would your preference be to not know something at all, and have it discovered later, after the issue has grown?

My recommendation with respect to the two sentences from Christa's review is this...if you find yourself in a situation where you are telling yourself, "I don't want people to think I'm dumb", consider what happens if you don't ask that question.  Are you going to run over hours on your analysis, and ultimately provide a poor product to your customer?  Are you missing data that would lead to the conviction or exoneration of someone who's been accused of a crime?  Or, can you take a moment to frame your question, provide some meaningful background data ("I'm looking at a Windows XP system"), maybe do some online searches, and ask it...even if that means you're reaching out to someone you know rather than posting to a public forum?