upload shell via ftp using anonymous connection and abt ftp bruteforcer

vulnerability:FTP with writable directories

First I will explain FTP:

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to copy a file from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server. FTP users may authenticate themselves using a clear-text sign-in protocol but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it.

so,If the ftp server does not allow anonymous login,then we have to bruteforce the ftp server using this tool BRUTUS

Tool for ftp bruteforcer:

http://downloads.z i d d u .com/downloadfile/12201510/brutus-aet2.zip.html
I ill explain about bruteforcer later.

So,If ftp allows the user anonymously with writable directories permitted,then we can easily upload shell or anything to the server.

I got a site here with the specified dork above ,which allows "anonymous" access with writable directory.

First,get the total command tool from here.The total cmd is a user freindly software from which you can transfer the files with ease.


Key Activation :http://www.mediafire.com/?szog3t5keo47d69

Just place the wincmd.key in the directory(no need to click it to activate) where total cmd installed.

Now open the total commander.It looks like this.

[Image: totalcmd.jpg]

Then press ctrl+N.

[Image: total2c.jpg]

Then specify the host name.If the host name is http://www.3gpp.org,then put the host name as "ftp.3gpp.org"

[Image: total3d.jpg]

Check the anonymous connection(Default its Checked ,if not tick it) and click ok.Then you see a connect box which makes some connection through ftp.

Now you will see two sides like this.The left side is ("ftp.3gpp.org") files of server and right side is all your pc files.sometimes these sides may be interchanged.

[Image: total4.jpg]

Now right click and hold on any one of the server files.

[Image: total5.jpg]

And go to properties.
you will see like this.

[Image: total6.jpg]

I will say what it is.The first dr-xr-xr-x is about the permissions for that particular directory.

dr-xr-xr-x :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File User Permissions Group Permissions Other Permissions
Type Read Write Execute Read Write Execute Read Write Execute
d r w x r w x r w x


1234 is the file user permissions

1-type -d

567 is the group permission

89 10 is the other permissions

Permissions in detail:http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilesp.html

dr-xr-xr-x 1 owner group 0 Jan 17 15:41 Inbox:

so,directory inbox can be read and executed.we cannot write there.

Lets move into inbox.Double click inbox.

[Image: total7.jpg]

And right click and hold in any of the server files and goto properties.There you can notice that

drwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 0 Feb 8 19:44 RAN_WG4

Now RAN_WG4 directory can be read and write.so,make a deface page or shell!!

Go into ran_wg4 by double clicking it.goto drafts

[Image: total8.png]
Now in the right side you can see ur pc files.Now just navigate to the deface page or shell in ur pc files and drag and drop the deface page or shell to the server files.

[Image: total9.png]

Then you will be prompted a msg to confirm your update.Just click ok.Now your file is transfered.

goto http://ftp.3gpp.prg in your browser and navigate to inbox->ran_wg4->drafts->gtr.htl(which is newly copied)

[Image: total10.png]

ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/Inbox/RAN_WG4/Draft/gtr.html --its hacked and you can try with shells!!Just drag and drop your shells and deface it.

Ftp brute forcer:

[Image: total11copy.jpg]

If the ftp server did not allow access to anonymous login,Then we have to brutefore it using a bruteforcer tool.Normally the ftp server is secured,If u got luck then u can
get the logins with the brutus tool..

http://downloads.z i d d u .com/downloadfile/12201510/brutus-aet2.zip.html
The tool will be detected as hack tool by all antivirus!!Its not a virus.Its clean.If u want ,run it in virtual machine!!


A special Thanks to IPSEY