VMWare Workstation 8.0.2 and Linux Kernel 3.2 Patch

Jérôme posted a comment on my post about VMWare and Linux Kernel patch, saying that the patch i mentioned is not working with VMWare Workstation 8.0.2, the latest VMWare released by the vendor. When a stable kernel is released, normally, the patch should work normally, but in this case, i was wrong (at least my assumption), since the changes in the kernel affected the patch.

So i started a discussion at the patcher's blog and finally the author of the patch confirmed that there's a change in kernel source code which applies to his patch. He fixed the patch and submit it again into his blog post.

Unfortunately, the script still failed on me if i tried to use his script, but Ted, another people confirmed that it's working on his system but instead of using the bash script to do the job, he patched it manually, so i tried and it worked.

So here's the solution:
  1. Get the patch from the author's blog or from my Box account
  2. Extract it (assume in /home/willysr)
  3. Go to /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
  4. Extract the source file (tar xvf vmnet.tar)
  5. Patch the source file (patch -p1 < /home/willysr/vmware3.2.0.patch)
  6. Create a new source file (tar cvf vmnet.tar vmnet-only/)
  7. Recompile VMWare again (vmware-modconfig --console --install-all)
  8. Voila.... everything works normally again
This patch should also be working for future Linux Kernel 3.3, so you probably don't need to search for more patch when Linux Kernel 3.3 released by Linus.