Winners Announced - December 2011 Contest

It's finally time to announce winners for My "elearnSecurity Penetration testing course", First of all I would like to thank all the people who participated in the contest, Secondly I would like to inform you that the winners were not picked by me, They were picked by elearnsecurity team. We also received some private entries from people who were not interested in revealing their email addresses through the comments section.

Here were the rules of the contest:

[First Prize] The person with the most number of shares and the most impressive answer to the above question will win the first prize of penetration testing pro course.

[Second Prize] The person with the second most number of shares and an impressive answer to the question will win

Note: The answer carries more weight than your shares, which means that if you have the most shares and not a very impressive answer, You may move to the second and third position.

[Third Prize]The third prize will be chosen via a lucky draw

A Note from Armando (CEO OF eLearnSecurity:)

Hello, it's Armando from eLearnSecurity.
First let me say it has been HARD to select a winner for this contest. Many of you contributed a lot: we are blushing for your interest in our course but we had to pick 3 anyway.

We selected based on the number of shares AND the comment/reasons to be enrolled on the course.

The third place was selected based on the comment and we liked the idea to let a student in the course. We support students, especially those who cannot afford to pay for the whole tuition fee.

Life is not just about how many friends (followers?) you have who can help you reach your goal :) Hope you understand my point.

Thanks all for your support of this initiative


Here are the winners for the contest:

Minhal Mehdi
Sumeet Kumar

Winners are advised to leave their emails. So we can send them the courses.

So guys, take some time to congratulate contest Winners. If you're one of them, hearty congratulations to you. If you're not one of them, don't worry, there are many more contests to come