Bypassing Firewalls with SYN+FIN (NMAP)

There exists a vulnerability within many firewalls and other systems that permit a session to be established in spite of firewall rules. The specifics are outlined here To briefly demonstrate this, I will craft custom TCP packets with the SYN and FIN flags set. I will use Nmap for my port scanning, and Nemisis for all others:


nmap -v -v --scanflags SYNFIN -P0


nemesis tcp -v -fS -fF -D  -S

In the case of Nmap, notice how the ports that were originally “filtered” are now “open”. 
Note, not all systems are vulnerable to this bypass.  Sorry for not having a better demo. Go and try it out on your own and see how it works. enjoy!

Advance hacking with NMAP available here (