ISE provides perfect start to Europe's Integration Year


ISE provides perfect start to Europe's Integration Year

The AV and electronic systems integration industry has received the best possible start to 2012, after Integrated Systems Europe broke all records. A total of 825 exhibitors occupied 11 halls of the Amsterdam RAI, and were rewarded for their commitment to the event by a total registered attendance of 40,869 over the three show days of Tuesday, the 31st January, to Thursday, 2nd February, 2012.

Both numbers are the highest-ever achieved by ISE, with the exhibitor total representing a 15-per cent jump on 2011, while the attendee increase was just over 17 per cent. The show also broke new ground in other areas, with net floor space exceeding 30,000 square metres, and the number of people registering for ISE's conference, education and pre-show event programme passing the 2,000 mark for the first time.

"ISE is now clearly established as the best-attended event of its kind anywhere in the world. To be able to post record numbers in every key area against an uncertain economic backdrop is a fantastic achievement, not just for ISE but for the industry it serves,"said Mike Blackman, Managing Director, Integrated Systems Events.

The space-rebooking process for ISE 2013 began on the second morning of the 2012 show, and resulted in a total of 28,300 net square metres of exhibit space being reserved for the next year – a 5-per cent increase on the equivalent figure 12 months ago.

MitsubishiElectric's AC Ter Meulen said, "ISE is always a busy show for us but this yearhas been particularly so. Our stand was the largest we've ever taken, but Ihave no hesitation in saying that the decision to expand our presence at ISEhas been proved right. We've seen more people, and had more kinds ofconversation, than ever before. This is a measure of how the show itself isgrowing and broadening its appeal."

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