Katonomics: past, present and future

It's no good, muttered Poppy, every time I think
I've grabbed one of those darned economic concepts,
it just slips through my paws again ...
Here's a message for those of you who have been scrabbling frantically up and down the screen in desperation as you seek Doctor Nic's Weekly Fix, the weekly Katonomics post: the second series came to an end last week with a generous and well-deserved tribute to the late Mark Rogers -- as close as an economist is likely to get to being described by IP enthusiasts as a good guy.  In case you missed any of the second series of posts on the impact of economic theory on intellectual property, this is what we posted:
No.7 "Trade secrecy and economics"

* No.8 "Business models"

* No.9 "IP valuation"

* No.10 "IP valuation again: how much is a footballer worth?"

* No.11 "Patent harmonisation and a little romance"

* No.12 "Economists and competition"

* No.13 "A tribute to Mark Rogers"
There's some good news ahead for all Nicola's devotees. A third series will of Katonomics posts will be commencing some time fairly soon after Easter. Meanwhile, if there are any subjects which you would like to suggest for Nicola to tackle, please feel free to post them below.

To check out the first series, click here