Adobe reveals its Study


Adobe reveals its Study

Adobe has announced the findings from its second Adobe Digital Index report, which provides marketing, e-commerce, and retail executives with critical digital marketing insights. The study evaluated how marketers measure the impact of website traffic from major social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Blogger, YouTube, and Yelp. Adobe analyzed more than 1.7 billion visits to more than 225 U.S. companies' websites in the retail, travel and media industries, concluding that marketers significantly underestimate the value of social traffic.

Key Report Findings included: The use of last-click attribution, the most common attribution model used by marketers, may cause marketers to undervalue social media's website impact by up to 94 per cent; First-click attribution models more accurately capture the benefits of social media in engaging customers earlier in the buying process and significant differences in the results of first-click vs. last-click attribution data for various social media sites may cause marketers to change how they allocate the budgets across social and other digital channels

Aseem Chandra, Vice-President, Product and Industry Marketing, Digital Marketing Business, Adobe, said, "As an industry, digital marketers have been quick to add social media to the marketing mix, but have perhaps not considered new and better ways to measure this complex channel. This study shows that marketers tend to default to traditional direct measurement models. Better measurement of social marketing will lead to better ROI."

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