New Toolchain

It seems that my prediction about the next batch is partially correct. It was proven after the latest batch of updates on -Current. I have suspected that Slackware-Current will be based on GCC 4.7.0 and GLIBC 2.15, but i was wrong that it will be based on Linux Kernel 3.3 because Pat still trusts Linux Kernel 3.2.x (well, perhaps when the final release is near, Pat will upgrade to Linux Kernel 3.3 because it has wider hardware support and also a lot of improvements on performance on many areas).

Along with these basic toolchain updates, Slackware-Current also upgrades several basic packages, such as bash, acpid, e2progfs, module-init-tools ccache, binutils, gmp, mpfr, virtuoso-ose, bind, rsync, imagemagick, and xine-lib.

More updates are expected soon to be released by Pat.

Enjoy the Slackware-Current with it's new toolchain and kernel :)