Sapient India empowers physically challenged children


In an effort to contribute to society, Unnayan- the CSR team of the Noida office of Sapient has handed over a prefab classroom to the visually impaired children of Saksham Daksh School, Noida. Prefab classrooms apart from studies provides the opportunity for vocational training for a special group of children in the field of as painting, music, beads sorting and production of earrings, necklace, bracelets, etc. The paramount part of this prefab cabin is that it can be dismantled and reset again at a different location therefore the effort in building a classroom is not wasted.

Vinay Jhari, Director and Sapient Noida Office Lead said, "Sapient as an organization emphasizes on child education as a cause through its Corporate Social Responsibility program. And today through this prefab classroom we seek to empower physically challenged children in bringing out their creativity and maximizing their true potential."

"Saksham has been working for the educational and re-habitation needs of people with vision impairment for close to a decade now and have undertaken multiple activities from Digital Audio Book Production Centre to Aids and Appliances distribution Centre and Audio Description of Films. The prefab classroom will address challenges like space crunch, non availability of classrooms and enable teachers to spend more time with children in the vocational group and provide an opportunity to the children to unleash their creative aspects," He further added,

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