Standards and patents in ICT: a conference in June

It's all very well to rely on your own ICT  but, if you don't
buy into industry standards in the telecom sector, this
is what you're going to end up with ...
Here's some good news for readers of this weblog who own lots of patents in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector but who don't happen to have much money on them at this precise moment or who have overspent their conference budgets a little but still keep getting that familiar urge ...

The European Commission:
always full of surprises
On 12 June 2012, which isn't such a long way away and is conveniently arranged so as not to clash with this year's Olympic Games, the Second Annual LexisNexis Butterworths Standards and Patents in ICT conference takes place in an as-yet undisclosed venue in London [Merpel suspects it's the TBA Hotel ...]. As one might expect from a LexisNexis Butterworths event, there's a strong cast of speakers: contributions from David Barron, Richard Vary, Jane Mutimear, Daniel Hermele, Claudia Tapia Garcia, Oliver Jan Jüngst, Jenni Lukander and C Gregory Gramenopoulos guarantee that you'll have inputs from

  • private practice in the UK
  • private practice in the USA
  • A surprise contributor from the European Commission
  • Nokia, Qualcomm and RIM
  • people who litigate patents and standards
  • people who believe in FRAND licensing
  • people with interesting surnames

More to the point, the organisers have kindly agreed to offer IPKat readers a pleasant 20% discount off the regular registration fee of £599. The programme can be perused in its fullness here.  If you want to claim your IPKat reader 20% discount, contact the organisers at and quote the word "IPKat".