@Al-Qaeda Goes Dark For 12 Days

Al qaeda down
Now, when the king Osama-bin-laden has been killed, his organization Al-qaeda has weakened in many ways. "The main internet forum of Al-Qaeda has been down since 12 days", further proves the above lines.

The backbone of the groups communication has gone down suddenly. The websites have seen the longest downtime of 12 days, which is the longest in history.  Along with the several other forums that Al-Qaeda used, many top sites of the terrorist organization have gone to dark and are not functional. 

Yet no organization has taken the responsibility of bringing the forums down, but there are rumors that these attempts have been made by a government authority may be an American hacking group or an individual."The digital sabotage could have been carried out by any number of governments or private hackers", said James Lewis, director of the technology and public policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

There are also news from several agencies that the websites have been taken down by the admins in order to increase the security as there were attempts to infiltrate the websites few days back.

The Shumkah site went live again with a message that the cyber-attack was “a failed, miserable campaign,” according to a translation of the message by security consultant Flashpoint Partners.“The enemies of Allah who boast of their freedoms have not spared any effort to eradicate our blessed media,” the forum said. “Even if it succeeded in stopping the forum, it didn't succeed in achieving its desired aims and goals.” Aaron Zelin, a jihadi website reasercher in Brendis university said that "Its significant because it is Al-Qaeda's lifline to communicate to the outside world".

May be the American army has made this attempt to further break Al-Qaeda after killing the leader, and make the communication between the groups difficult. Whatever be the reason and whoever be the doer, the incident speaks that even the biggest and the most powerful  terrorist group is not cyber-safe, and the hackers all over the world have reached a height that they cannot be defeated, doesn't matter who the victim is.


Ajit Singh is the newest member of RHA team, He blogs at www.coolestwebsite.tk, If you would like to join our team of authors, Feel free to email at rafayhackingarticles@gmail.com