Anonymous Hacks Formula 1 Website

Hacking Group Anonymous recently brought down the website of Formula 1 !
They did it by DDos-Distributed Deniel of Services attack. The website which was attacked is
The F1 world was already in news because of controversial hosting of Grand Prix in Bahrain this weekend where protest are taking place before this attack on the website took place.
Anonymous hackers also defaced another website associated with Fromula 1 racing and also posted a press release.
The message was against the King Hamad bin Ali Khalifa of Bahrain. A part of the exact message posted :

For over one year the people of Bahrain have struggled against the oppressive regime of King Hamad bin Al Khalifa. They have been murdered in the streets, run over with vehicles, beaten, tortured, tear gassed, kidnapped by police, had their businesses vandalised by police, and have tear gas thrown in to their homes on a nightly basis.

Still the regmine persists to deny any meaningful reform and continues to use brutal and violent tactics to oppress the popular calls for reformation. Not only is the Human Rights situation in Bahrain tragic, it becomes more drastic with each passing day. For these reasons the F1 Grand Prix in Bahrain should be strongly opposed. The Al Khalifa regime stands to profit heavily off the race and has promised to use live ammunition against protestors in preparation. They have already begun issuing collective punishment to entire villages for protests and have promised further retribution "to keep order" for the F1 events in Bahrain. The Formula 1 racing authority was well-aware of the Human Rights situation in Bahrain and still chose to contribute to the regime's oppression of civilians and will be punished.
In the DDoS attack which anonymous used a large number of computers ping the website together at the same time which result in overloading of the server.
DDoS attack is considered as one of the best used and favourite attacks of Anonymous as earlier this month Anonymous had launched DDoS attack against websites of British Home Office and 10 Down Street.

About The Author:

This article is written by Shikil sharma, Who is the newest member of RHA team. He blogs at