FBI:"We are not winning."

FBI struglling against hackers
The cyber division of the FBI says that they are losing the war against hackers. "We are not winning", were the words of the FBI assistant director Shawn Henry who is the main-man since more than two decades in the organization.  Also, few of the top government officials have said that America is not able to handle the stream of cyber attacks which are increasing every other moment.

Another official Richard Clarke said that almost every big company has already been breached by the Chinese hackers.The FBI cyber team is finding data stolen from the servers of the big companies,without the company getting any hint about it.

The top-cop Richard Henry in a press meeting said, "We have found their data in the middle of other investigations,They are shocked and, in many cases, they've been hacked for many months, in some cases years, which means that an adversary had full visibility into everything occurring on that network, potentially".


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