Tuesday Readings - The Best of Politics, Economics, & Ideas

In March this year, a top B-School, based in south India, had, as part of its GDPI process to select students for its MBA class of 2014, administered an interesting GD topic: Capital punishment should be abolished. Check out this infographic, from the Economist's Graphic Detail blogthat details some important facts and figures to help you get a snapshot of this burning issue.

Check out this set of four interesting articles, including a slideshow for your viewing.

  • Global firms may 'rethink India' over tax proposal. (BBC)

  • Bloomberg has two interesting pieces on the future of the Euro.

    • Euro was flawed at birth and should break apart now, says Charles Dumas.

    • Euro doom is fantasy, why the currency won't collapse, by Charles Wyplosz

  • The top ten biggest money losing movies of all time. (TIME slideshow)