Another sucess to Indian Techno jargons getting Rs.640cr.


Another sucess to Indian Techno jargons getting Rs.640cr. 
Allahabad born  Rashmi Sinha and her brother Amit Ranjan, will receive Rs 640 crore from Linkedin by selling there own developed site slideshare. 
The website, which was the brainchild of Sinha's husband and co-founder Jonathan Boutelle, is headquartered at San Francisco with an office in Delhi. Ranjan, an alumnus of Delhi's Faculty of Management Studies, runs the India office.
About Slideshare ,The community, which was founded in 2006, has 16 million registered users and about 60 million monthly visitors. LinkedIn will pay 45% in cash and the rest in stock, the social networking firm said in a statement on its website on Friday.Nearly 7.4 million presentations are hosted by SlideShare, which has received about $3 million in funding from angel investors and venture capital firm Venrock. SlideShare's Indianness runs deeper than just the founding team or its office in Delhi.

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