ASP & jQuery: linked list boxes with AJAX

Today, I would like to share a quick and easy solution to link 2 list boxes with jQuery and AJAX.
Situation: we have two list boxes. One (number) is already populated. The second (letter) is populated according to what is selected on the first list box, via AJAX (not reloading the page).
We need to build two ASP pages.
Let's start and have fun!

The main page
The main page will have the relevant jQuery code and the HTML.
We will use jQuery and specifically its AJAX API. We first link to the library and then create a function triggered by a change in the first list box:

The above snippet should be place in the head of your main page. What is the function doing? It is fetching data (in the form of HTML tags) from another page (which we will create afterwards and which we will call "source.asp"). In order to retrieve the information we need, we are passing a parameter (ID). This parameter is taken from the first list box and appended to the url (so that our request will be "source.asp?id=1" for example).
I believe that the code is simple enough. No strange or magic things there.
In the body of the page we insert the two list boxes. As said, one is already populated. The second is empty.

When something changes in the "number" list box, the jQuery function is triggered and the second list box is populated. As said that is done via AJAX, calling the "source.asp" page. So we need to build the "source.asp" page.

The source.asp page
The second asp page is very simple. It fetches data from the database and create a simple list of