Google Apps Vault released in India


Google Apps Vault released in India 
Google has released Google Apps Vault (Vault) for Google Apps for Business customers in India. Vault is believed to be an easy-to-use and cost-effective solution for managing information critical to your business and preserving important data. It can reduce the costs of litigation, regulatory investigation and compliance actions.
Jack Halprin, Head of eDiscovery, Google, said, “Businesses of all sizes need to be prepared for the unexpected. In today’s environment, using Vault to manage, archive and preserve your data can help protect your business. Litigation costs can really take a toll on a business when minor lawsuits can run up to many thousands of dollars, and larger lawsuits can cost even more. Significant litigation costs come from having to search and find relevant data, which is also known as electronic discovery (eDiscovery).”
Vault claims to protect business with easy-to-use search so one can quickly find and preserve data to respond to unexpected customer claims, lawsuits or investigations. With an instant-on functionality and availability of the data a few clicks away, Vault is said to provide access to all of users Gmail and on-the-record chats and can provide significant savings to their business over the traditional costs of litigation and eDiscovery. Additionally, Vault gives Google Apps customers the extended management and information governance capabilities to proactively archive, retain and preserve Gmail and on-the-record chats.

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