Google Penetration Testing Hack Database v 1.5
Google Hack DB find out if your site is leaking sensitive information or files into google or other search engines.
The Sec Point Google HACK DB tool allows you to find sensitive information about your site indexed in google.
It is important to know that most things on your website that is crawlable will possible get index in Google.
This means anyone can find it and can even be found in many years in the future.
Many people might even leak sensitive information without being aware of it.
This can be several things such as password files, clear text files, database files, customer database profiles, database files, company secrets and many more things.
So with the google hack db you can generate a list of key terms with your site and check in Google if you leak sensitive information.
Database of Google Hacks and a tool for manipulating it. Database is separated to files by categories. You could use DB alone, or make some manipulations using our tool like generating URLs for Google search engine or generating pretty HTML output with links. The tool could also help in analyzing your own site by adding site search option to all queries.
This tool will take source file (file with a list of queries) and generate website-specific queries (-s option) by adding site:site to each query.
Not only queries, but full Google URLs could be generated for each query (-q).
Output could be saved to file in text format (-o) or in HTML with links format (-t) which will automatically create URLs list.
run as ./ queries source file from GoogleDB (files in db directory)
Options are: -o output.txt save output to file -s generate queries for this site only -q generate google query urls for each line -t generate output in HTML format (implies -q) -m LISTFILE generate queries for multiple sites listed in LISTFILE
Command line examples: 1-generate list of search strings for finding login pages ./ "login_pages.txt"
2-generate list of Google queries for finding login pages ./ "login_pages.txt" -q
3-same as 2, but in HTML format ./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t
4-same as 3, but save to "OUT.html" ./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t -o "OUT.html"
5-generate queries as in 4, but only for ./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t -o "OUT.html" -s
6-all of the above, for multiple sites from "sites.txt" list ./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t -o OUT.html -s -m sites.txt