Public Cloud Services rolled out


Public Cloud Services rolled out 
HP has announced the public beta of its first public cloud services that enable developers to build the next generation of web applications, and change the economics of deploying modernized applications.  
In line with the HP Converged Cloud approach, HP now offers organizations a single-sourced hybrid delivery solution that spans traditional IT as well as private, managed and public clouds. Built on HP Converged Infrastructure and HP software, with a developer-friendly integration of OpenStack technology, HP Cloud Services deliver an open source-based public cloud infrastructure with business-oriented features. These address developer's needs and meet organizational requirements for workload availability, manageability and portability, while eliminating the constraints of a closed operating environment and vendor lock-in. 
"Whether you are an independent developer or a Fortune 100 company, you need cloud infrastructure and services that give you choice. From the toolset options that developers require to the billing flexibility and security that businesses demand, HP Cloud Services will offer a variety of capabilities. The introduction of HP's public cloud services is a significant step forward in developing an expansive marketplace of cloud services supported by the best possible user experience," said Santanu Ghose, Country Head, Converged Infrastructure Services, HP India.

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