Security Update: OpenSSL and Development Tool Major Changes

I opened my iPad this morning and browsed the Slackware-Current repository in OSUOSL and i noticed that the modified date has changed into May, 19, which means there's an update for Slackware-Current and yes, there are some changes in -Current which i think most suitable for developers.

Besides releasing one security update for OpenSSL, Pat also introduced several new major version of development tool packages, such as MySQL (5.5.24), HTTPD (2.4.2), and PHP (5.4.3). So now the LAMP stack has been upgraded to the latest version and there's one package left, which is Python which is still at 2.6.6 while the upstream has moved out to 2.7 and 3.2 (and soon to be 3.3). Python users will have to wait a little longer i guess.

Please note that PHP 5.4 does introduce some incompatibilities compared to previous 5.3. You might want to read the Migration Guide and the Release Announcement

Other than development tools, Pat also upgraded/rebuilt several libraries and packages, such as gettext{-tools}, amarok, apr{-utils}, perl, neon, qt, redland, openldap-client, libhangul, scim-hangul, MPlayer, gv, and pan.