Sign PDF files for free - JSignPdf 1.3.0

JSignPdf is an open source Java application which adds digital signatures to PDF documents.
It can be used as a standalone application or as an Add-On in JSignPdf is open-source software and can be freely used in both private and business sectors

  • visible and hidden signatures
  • certificate levels
  • timestamping
  • setting PDF rights
  • command line support for batch processing
  • certificate revocation checks (CRL, OCSP)

JSignPdf 1.3.0 was released

Features Current version provides:
  • visible signatures - image and/or description located visualy in a PDF file (page and position can be specified)
  • several different keystore types (as provided by Java)
  • timestamps from authority in signature (TSA)
  • certificate validation through CRL and/or OCSP
  • setting certification level
  • setting hash algorithm
  • PDF encryption and setting rights
  • comprehensive Swing GUI
  • support for batch processing (controlled by command line arguments, without GUI)
How to use

If you don't use windows installer, which already includes Java, you'll need a Java Runtime Environmentin version 6 and newer.

Run JSignPdf.exe on Windows machine. If you don't use Windows or you want to add special parameters to the Java, run following from a command line:

java -jar JSignPdf.jar
To get help for command line processing (batch mode) use --help switch:
java -jar JSignPdf.jar --help

Closer specification is in Quick Guide, which is part of the downloaded package. You can find it in file docs/JSignPdf.pdf.

JSignPdf 1.3.0 introduces new features and fixes identified problems.
 The main changes are:
  • GUI components visibility improved (e.g. for WINDOWS-MY keystore)
  • wildcard (*,?) support in PDF names when using batch signing
  • Mac OS X deployment image (dmg)                                                                                 
More details in the ReleaseNotes.txt and ChangeLog.txt files.   

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