The Harvester

Emails,Employee names and Subdomain/Hostnames finder.
theHarvester is a tool for gathering e-mail accounts, user names and hostnames/subdomains from different public sources like search engines and PGP key servers.

This tools is intended to help Penetration testers in the early stages of the project It's a really simple tool, but very effective.

The sources supported are:
  • Google - emails,subdomains/hostnames
  • Google profiles - Employee names
  • Bing search - emails, subdomains/hostnames,virtual hosts
  • Pgp servers - emails, subdomains/hostnames
  • Linkedin - Employee names
  • Exalead - emails,subdomain/hostnames

New features:
  • Time delays between requests
  • XML and HTML results export
  • Search a domain in all sources
  • Virtual host verifier
  • Shodan computer database integration
  • Active enumeration (DNS enumeration,DNS reverse lookups, DNS TLD expansion)
  • Basic graph with stats

Some examples:

Searching emails accounts for the domain, it will work with the first 500 google results:

./ -d -l 500 -b google

Searching emails accounts for the domain in a PGP server, here it's not necessary to specify the limit.

./ -d -b pgp

Searching for user names that works in the company microsoft, we use google as search engine, so we need to specify the limit of results we want to use:

./ -d -l 200 -b linkedin

Searching in all sources at the same time, with a limit of 200 results:

./ -d -l 200 -b all

The latest version always can be found in the Google code repository:

Edge Security