Uniscan v6.0 -Web vulnerability scanner

The Uniscan is a Web vulnerability scanner, aimed at information security, which aims at finding vulnerabilities in Web systems and is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 3.0 (GPL 3).

Uniscan characteristics:

  • Identification of system pages through a Web Crawler.
  • Use of threads in the crawler.
  • Control the maximum number of requests the crawler.
  • Control of variation of system pages identified by Web Crawler.
  • Control of file extensions that are ignored.
  • Test of pages found via the GET method.
  • Test the forms found via the POST method.
  • Support for SSL requests (HTTPS).
  • Proxy support.
  • Generate site list using Google.
  • Generate site list using Bing.
  • Plug-in support for Crawler.
  • Plug-in support for dynamic tests.
  • Plug-in support for static tests.
  • Plug-in support for stress tests.
Uniscan v6.0 date 18/05/2012
  • Crawler improved (a lot bug fix).
  • Google seach back to Uniscan.
  • Added Web server information module.
  • Added Server information module.
  • Added simple Web client (index.php).
  • Added New Plugin “FCKeditor” for crawler.
  • Added New Plugin “FCKeditor” for dynamic tests.
  • Added New Plugin “PHP CGI Argument Injection” for dynamic tests.
  • Added Auto-update.
  • Added simple HTML report.
  • Added detection of redirection.
  • Added Simple TK GUI.
  • Improved plug-in Webshell finder (less false-positive)
  • Improved uniscan.pl, now uniscan.pl try detect if a host is responding before doing the scanning.
  • Find for Drupal, Joomla and WordPress plugins when banner-grabbing detect on of this CMS.
How to use the uniscan -

The uniscan must be run from the command line.
Example: perl uniscan.pl -u http://www.example.com/ -d

Other options:OPTIONS: 
 -h help 
 -u example: https://www.example.com/ 
 -f list of url's 
 -b Uniscan go to background 
 -q Enable Directory checks 
 -w Enable File checks 
 -e Enable robots.txt check
 -d Enable Dynamic checks 
 -s Enable Static checks 
 -r Enable Stress checks 
 -i Bing search 
More Documentation on uniscan - http://uniscan.sourceforge.net/?page_id=11