UnOfficial GIMP-2.8.0 Package for Slackware-Current

Yesterday was a big day for GIMP developers. They released a major release, GIMP 2.8.0 after three and half years of development and there has been some speculation that this release was never going to make it to public, but it's officially out now.

The major highlight of this release are layer groups, on-canvas text editing, advanced brush dynamics and the much desired optional single-window mode. You can check all the features in the release notes.

I have managed to build GIMP-2.8.0 on my desktop and since GIMP-2.8.0 will take some time before it reaches -Current, i will just put it on my SlackHacks repository. Basically most of them are the -Current's SlackBuild script which i updated a little bit, so if you have -Current repository on your local drive, you can basically use it. Just download the version needed to build GIMP-2.8.0 which i listed below.

Here is my build order and also list of dependency of GIMP-2.8.0 that i can track
- babl-0.1.10
- gegl-0.2.0
- atk-2.4.0
- glib2-2.32.1
- libffi-3.0.11 (available on SBo)
- gtk+ 2.24.10
- pango-1.30
- gdk-pixbuf 2.26.1

Known problems:
  • gdk-pixbuf package is still missing which cause some other packages broken (eg: Acrobat Reader) Fixed  (commit)
Here's the screenshot of single-window mode of GIMP-2.8.0: