Web Design: a collection of progress bars
In the past I've published a post about developing a progress bar/indicator for ASP pages. In that article we used a small rounded gif to make the user aware of the fact that something is going on and information is gathered.
Today, for your joy, I want to share my collection of animated gifs that can be used as progress bar. Some are simple, some are a little bit bizarre and some are a little bit intrusive.
You can choose the one you prefer, and use it on your pages. I believe they all are copyright free, but if you recognized your copyrighted work here, just drop a line and I will give credit to you or remove it, if you prefer.
Here we go... the great progress bar parade! (this post is some kind of a joke or not?)
Today, for your joy, I want to share my collection of animated gifs that can be used as progress bar. Some are simple, some are a little bit bizarre and some are a little bit intrusive.
You can choose the one you prefer, and use it on your pages. I believe they all are copyright free, but if you recognized your copyrighted work here, just drop a line and I will give credit to you or remove it, if you prefer.
Here we go... the great progress bar parade! (this post is some kind of a joke or not?)
The collection
Some of the following animated gifs are meant to be working on a different background colour, so they might look poorly defined. However if you use them on white background, they should look fine.