A Fresh Perspective in Pursuing a Graphic Arts Care

As soon as you watch a TV show, pick up a magazine, inspect an item at the supermarket, browse a website from the internet, or view a billboard, you're most probably looking at the creation of a graphic artist. Graphic artists nowadays use both traditional instruments such as pencils and paper as well as the most up-to-date and high-end digital applications. Some of the most frequently used graphic arts software includes PRIMO pdf, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD 3-D Modeling software and Adobe Flash software for web designs that require flash. In order to maximize the use of these software, appropriate training is always an advantage.

Designing an Ad for Sneakers

The primary role of graphic designers is to come up with a message with the use of line, shape, color and texture. The product can be enhanced with the message that was created or the message itself can be utilized to promote branding and visual appeal.

A good example would be the prom otion of a new line of sneakers intended when playing basketball. The manufacturer would know if the shoes were promoted effectively if a lot of young adult men buy them regardless if the buyer plays basketball or not.

You are currently working as a graphic artist and one day you receive a phone call from the marketing director of an advertising agency for the launch of the new sneakers. You were asked by the marketing director to come up with an ad for the Internet for the sneakers. The ad needs to have a dynamic, fresh and exciting look. It's also possible for a professional basketball player to be featured in the ad.

As a graphic artist, do you think a summer theme with pretty yellow daisies would be effective? Most probably you won't. While daisies would be appealing, it might not be as appealing to incorporate in an ad for basketball sneakers. How about a cute puppy? Again, that might not be a good choice. Puppies can really be attractive; however using it in an ad campaign for basketball sneakers might not be effective.
With the help of graphic arts software such as CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, you might probably come up with a concept that is set on an asphalt parking lot and a bunch of city teenagers playing basketball. The time of the day may be at night, and the only source of light is an overhead street light. Black, silver and purple might be your choice of colors. If there is text involved, you might choose something that's dynamic and slanted. You can feel the passion for basketball of the teenagers who are wearing the sneakers.

As a graphic designer, you most probably already have some ideas even before starting the ad. No matter if you are coming up with the packaging of the sneakers, an ad for the sneakers, or even the design of the logo attached to either side of the sneakers, your creativity can make or break the way consumers perceive the product.

Is This Career Really Promising as it Sounds Like?

Your level of training will really speak for your outputs, just like any other profession. An associate or bachelor's degree is mandatory for a lot of graphic designers who are just starting out. The appropriate training can be obtained from an accredited school or college. It shouldn't be a challenge to find a good school since the National Association of Schools of Art and Design takes care of accrediting about 250 postsecondary institutions with courses in design and arts.

So what is the guarantee of getting a job once you have obtained a degree? Based on statistics from the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor, about 40,000 new posts will be opened in this specific field within the next ten years starting 2008 through 2018. In May 2008 the average salary is $42,400; however for those who are really successful, annual salaries can go beyond $100,000.

Graphic designers specializing in animation and website have an advantage. Also, positions that continue to increase include support for video games, celphones, personal digital assistants and the like. A good background in digital design applications is also a good edge.

Is this field a competitive one? Definitely! But remember that this career is just as fulfilling as it is challenging. Think of how many people will be viewing your graphic art creation and even how it can possibly become a part of popular culture. As long as you get the appropriate training, get the creative juices flowing and get the best motivation, it won't be long before you reap the fruits of your labor.

How to Get Started

If you have an inclination towards visual design and want to make the most out of it, then you'll need to look for a suitable college or school offering traditional courses or online ones, which offers courses on graphic design. But where do you go looking for the right school? Searching through a reputable college directory online is one way to start. Keywords can include "associate degre e" or "graphic design" and you can include your home town or zip code or both and you should be able to come up with results. Feel free to compare what each school can offer, such as courses, career services, scholarships and class schedules. Check your priorities and then make your choice. All these can definitely contribute to a rewarding career in graphic design.