Accenture to review Investment Proposals


Accenture to review Investment Proposals 
Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India, has selected Accenture to review investment proposals from global technology providers and investors interested in building semiconductor fabrication units (fabs) in India. 
"With an investment scope of billions of US dollars, this strategic project holds considerable promise for Indian manufacturing. By bringing together investors, manufacturers and the Government of India, this initiative will help build the critical collaboration that is needed to bridge the gap in domestic semiconductor production," said Krishna Giri, Managing Partner/Director, Accenture's Health & Public Services business in India.
As part of a management consulting engagement, Accenture will work in two phases to help the Government assess companies interested in building semiconductor fabs in India. The first phase includes the development of a template for business proposals as well as a project appraisal template and a letter of intent detailing terms and conditions.  Accenture will then conduct a detailed assessment of the business proposals received by DeitY. The due diligence process could include site visits, interaction with suppliers, market surveys and feasibility studies. 
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, said, "We believe that this initiative will help create an ecosystem for electronics system design and manufacturing in the country."

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