Auto Blogging Software which works with and Wordpress blogs

Do you realize that it's surprisingly easy to earn money by blogging. Simply just the blogs that are updated on a regular basis will earn more income. I know it may be very difficult to keep your blog site current every day. But what happens if a software can do this function, totally on auto-pilot?

Visualize what quantity of money you could potentially make if you replicate this procedure! There have been number of programs available for some time but recently a new program has appeared "Auto Blogging Software" from Web Magnates. Its creator Nick Carty has made an extremely potent tool for profitable blogging in this software. It can post to unlimited Blogs using either Wordpress or formats. But that is just the begining. This is the only software which will can grab complete blogposts from any number of sites with an RSS feed despite having only partial feeds The software will strip the original posts of url links and java scripts and other undesirable content from the source article and leave a clean text to post to your Blog. Furthermore it allows you to host any images which are a part of the original content; or indeed any ones you choose to use, and embed them into the article. A great feature for making really professional looking blogposts which i s what we are all looking to see on our Blog's.

This is just the begining. Now you have say 100 articles available to post by filling in a simple form it will find key phrases and change them into links. For instance' if you have a cracking SEO product you are looking to promote and the article you are posting contains the phrase "Search Engine Optimisation" simply enter that phrase into the box and you affiliate link in the destination box and Job Done! You have an embedded link in the article ready to post. But not just that article? Say you have 10 Blogs (or a hundred) you are posting with different SEO related articles then each one will have the link embedded so long as you ensure the key phrase is in the content. An easy task with minor changes using the built in wyswyg editor. No html editing no fuss just fill in the boxes and you are set to go! You can also post multiple articles at once to your Blog and the software will schedule them for you automatically using its default schedule or one you specify yourself using the simple menu provided.

If you have written your own articles or have some purchased from one of the many sources online then these can be included along with the ones drawn from RSS feeds, and have the links embedded in them too. Simply point to the directory on your PC and "bish bash bosh" they are there ready to be posted.

The program will also create Clickbank and Amazon posts to go between your blogposts. Simply enter your id for Clickbank and Amazon into the system and search using keywords and it will find all the matching products available and once selected they are automatically posted along with the blogpost to enable you to tap into these extra income streams.

It also has a unique translation sytem which can automatically alter the content of an article by translating it into different languages then back into english. Then with only minor editing to clean up the english your article becomes unique to you. I do not need to tell you that it is unique articles which get picked up by Google and sent traffic. If like me you have spent hours spinning articles for your blog it is a little sickening to see just how easy creating unique content is using this system.

This is a truly incredible piece of kit! If you are serious about maximising the potential income from your Blogs and don't have the time to spend hours creating unique articles and formatting page content then this is the Software you need.

Best of all, it functions both with WordPress together with the Free websites.

Even Better it has a FREE TRIAL offer so you try BEFORE you BUY.

You owe it to yourself to check this out.

All the very best.

Paul Atkinson