Backup and Restore Audit excel Checklist from PentTestit

Backup and Restore Audit excel Checklist from PentTestit

Previously,  PentTestit  had published a consolidated checklist for the PCI-DSS standard here. Backup and restoration is one of the important process in an organisations policies. And auditing backup and restoration is important as any other process.

A backup audit can be made to be as easy or complex as your organization requires. Most of the time organisation are very keen on taking backup, but most of the organisation do not stress on restoration process.

Backup and Restore Audit excels Checklist is consolidation of various checklists so many points may get repeted. Again it will give you a fair idea what needs to checked overall. Suggesstions are welcome so that we can add or remove some points from the checklist.

Download Backup and Restore Audit Excel Checklist here

Note: Password open and edit file – pentestit

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