Breaking News: Paris to get Central Division, London and Munich to get "branches"

The AmeriKat surprised by today's
unconfirmed news
Although unconfirmed by the AmeriKat as yet, she has been alerted to the following article in the German newspaper Handelsblatt which announced over an hour ago that the proposed Central Division of the Unified Patent Court is to be located in Paris. The AmeriKat understands, from several unconfirmed reports, that the President's Office and Registry are also to be housed in Paris. London and Munich also fair well from the apparent agreement. They both are to receive "branches" with London reported to obtain cases dealing with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries and Munich to deal with cases concerning the automotive industry. The AmeriKat muses that Paris must get telecoms cases...Munich is also set to deal with "administrative" issues, which one can only guess what that includes. The article in Handelsblatt refers to President van Rompuy as stating that
"This compromise makes clear the way for a single European patent, and that will save money and be a boost for innovation."
As the AmeriKat reiterates, this is all unconfirmed but she expects some clarification over the next few hours and indeed tomorrow which marks the start of the European Summit.

If readers have any further information, please do let her know. Otherwise she will see you tonight at this year's Annual Sir Hugh Laddie Lecture where Chief Judge Rader will be speaking on the apropos topic of the internationalization of IP law.