Call for Testing: KDE 4.9 Beta 1

KDE Team 4.9 has asked KDE packagers on several Linux distribution to create an early KDE 4.9 Beta releases to public because they need a lot of man power to test for a new major release of KDE 4.9. Final release of KDE 4.9 is scheduled to be on August, 1, so it's two months before the release.

Several Linux distributions have prepared the packages and placed it on their testing-only repositories, such as ArchLinux, Fedora, and many others. As for Slackware, the only person who build KDE is Eric Hameleers and as usual, he placed it on his KTown repository which is mirrored to several other servers.

If you plan to help KDE (and also Slackware) by using and testing it, there are some notes about this KDE packages.

First, you MUST be running Slackware-Current since this packages are built against libraries available on Slackware-Current. If you want to use on top of other Slackware version, it's wise to build it on your own machine.

Second, the kdemultimedia package has been split into modular releases, so in the end of the upgrade process, you must remove the kdemultimedia package.

There's only one new dependency on this version so far and that's soprano, so here's an easy way to upgrade to KDE 4.9 Beta 1 from previous version of KDE 4.8.x:

  # rsync -av rsync:// .
# cd 4.8.80

On Slackware 32-bit:
# upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86/deps/*.t?z
# upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86/kde/*.t?z
# removepkg kdemultimedia

On Slackware 64-bit:
# upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/*.t?z
# upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/kde/*.t?z
# removepkg kdemultimedia

If you already have one or more non-english language packs installed:
# upgradepkg x86_64/kdei/*.t?z

If you want to have a non-english language pack installed but none is
currently installed, substitute your country code instead of the 'XX'
in the next command:
# upgradepkg --install-new x86_64/kdei/kde-l10n-XX-*.t?z

Check if any ".new" configuration files have been left behind by
the upgradepkg commands. Compare them to their originals and decide
if you need to use them.
# find /etc/ -name "*.new"
A graphical tool for processing these "*.new" files is slackpkg:
# slackpkg new-config

Credit goes to Eric Hameleers.

I have been using KDE 4.9 Beta 1 since this morning and i found the upgrade process is smooth as usual.