Computer Information Technology: Biotech Is The Way To Go

The information covered in this article is rapidly changing our world in many ways and becoming more affordable for the average person. It's worth mentioning however that better technology is actually properly defined as simply a better way of doing something we already do with whatever process we have at hand. Eor example anytime we find a way to get to work 5mins faster than before we have found a way to improve our lives in some respect.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of places which tell you that can get your computer bachelor's degree online, but really, it's not the most prudent career move anymore. Let's face it, the industry is pretty full right now, and since the dot-com crash, it's hard for even people with degrees from prestigious universities to find employment in info tech. And let's not forget that many of these schools actually offer you nothing - a degree not worth the paper which it is printed on. Unless you are really passionate about them, it pays to get a degree in another field. Anyone with knowledge about current job trends will tell you that IT is passe, and that if you are interested in getting a high-tech, cutting edge job, biotech is the way to go. Biotech is the wave of the future, with genetic research and engineering, as well as the promises of new cures for diseases, hardier crops, and many other avenues providing all kinds of excitement. Of course, this research does require people to write and run the complex programs required to do genetic sequencing, but they really aren't too likely to hire someone with that training alone.

Many people are studying both fields to make them more employable in emerging high-tech fields. This dual area of study allows that they will be able to get a job ahead of the others, because they will be more qualified to do a wider variety of tasks, and have a better understanding of the issues involved in organizing and working with complex data.

Another field where IT training is helpful but not essential is the field of advertising. Because everything is now done with computers, an advertising agent with this knowledge is at a great advantage. He can more easily demonstrate his ideas with fancy presentations, can do some work in predicting long term trends, and have the option of doing internet advertising, an option not available to people without the right training. And because today's consumer has a shorter and shorter attention span and is more and more jaded towards advertising, the more fancy and interactive advertisements, with computer generated special effects, are more likely to generate the response which the advertiser desires.

To wrap up our article about Biotechnology I wish you luck in putting your new knowledge to use in your home/work life. In the last 20 years I have seen so many examples of new ways to improve our lives come and go I can't help feeling excited about what I'm going to see in the next 20 years. Although many people seem to feel a sense of foreboding about new things changing their lives in a negative way I must confess that I don't have this fear at all (at the ripe old age of 40 anyway). I understand that new and changing technology is not only inevitable but in fact is opening up more opportunities for us all than ever before in our history and we should only feel threatened if we choose to cling to the past and somehow expect the rest of the world around us to do the same.