Find the Secret Message – Cracking Challenge

Information security is a very broad filed of IT and it involve the activities of hacking, cracking, penetration testing, computer forensic and many more. We have discussed various aspect of information security via different articles and tutorials and this time we are presenting a cracking challenge which is some kind of a reverse engineering and computer forensic. The theory behind the cracking is to evaluate your intelligence level, I mean how quick you can understand the problem and how fast you can get the solution.

The Story

The story is very simple let suppose you are a penetration tester for an organization which is responsible for the homeland security and your team member has got three images which seems to be suspect, your job is to evaluate these images whether they are just a image of they contain contain some secret messages.


Your job is to find out the image (s) which contain secret message and your job is to find out the message which is hidden of-course. It might be possible that all of them has some messages or it might be possible that only one contain the message. The quick overview of the challenge is :

  • Find out how many of these images contain the secret message
  • Find out what actually the message (s) is/are

The images




If you will find it than simply share it via comment box (if your answer will right than I will hold it so that other will try it), If you will fail then you need not to worry because at the end of the challenge I will show the method to find the message(s).

Do not forget to share it with your friends so that they will try, share it via your social media profiles and on different forums. Discuss the issue with the relevant people. The result will announce right after three weeks so you have enough time to do the job. Your questions will be entertain.

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