Geometric, DIPRO to set up Centre of Excellence


Geometric Limited and DIPRO (DIGITAL PROCESS LTD) has announced the formation of a Center of Excellence (CoE) to provide a suite of services to DIPRO’s Japanese customers.
Under the agreement, the two companies would jointly offer PLM, CAD/CAM/CAE, and engineering services. To further strengthen the quality of services to customers, the companies have agreed upon an exchange of human resources, whereby Geometric’s employees will take technology expertise to Japan, while DIPRO’s employees will bring in automotive domain knowledge in context of Japanese culture to the offshore centre.
Hideki Yuasa, MD & General Manager, DIPRO said, “Japanese manufacturers are being challenged with the need for a PLM backbone that can support the speedy availability of accurate product data across locations; and are increasingly looking at alternate countries like India for its know-how and for reducing cost of operations. With Geometric’s deep engineering expertise and delivery footprint in India and China, they are the ideal partner to help us increase the gamut of solutions we currently offer our customers, while giving our customers the offshore advantage that they seek”.
Manu Parpia, MD & CEO, Geometric said, “DIPRO has been providing PLM services to Japanese manufacturers, especially in the automotive sector, for over 20 years. We have been working with DIPRO for over a decade and the establishment of a CoE is the culmination of years of partnership. We believe working together with DIPRO, we offer Japan based manufacturers a unique service and capability which will help them compete.”

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