Httest version 2.2.4 released

Httest - HTTP Test Tool
The httest provides a large variety of HTTP-related functionality, useful for implementing all kinds of HTTP-based tests.
Licenced under the Apache License Version 2.0.

New httest 2.2 version. 2.2.4 released on 30. May 2012 available. Recommended stable version.
With javascriptXPath and SSL tracing support.


  • Advanced HTTP protocol handling, including ne-grained timeout handling, request and response validation.
  • Simulating clients and servers, including startup and shutdown of server daemons. This allows to create mock-ups of back-end systems in more complex test situations, for example when the tested application needs to interact with a 3rd-party back-end system which is not available in the testing environment.
  • Even POP3 and SMTP can be emulated with the simple httest scripting language.
  • Execution of external commandline tools, using their output as request or response data, or for validation purposes.
  • Copying stream data (e.g. from a response) and re-using it in variables.
  • Simulating NTLM client and server.
  • Various functions for url encoding, base64 encoding, math operations and many more.


Use Cases


  • Windows binary can be build with Visual Studio Express, the project file can be found on neophob
  • If some one know how to build a cygwin binary please drop a mail to ia97lies at

Projects and Companies Using HTTP Test Tool


To get a quick start here a simple example. Copy past the following script into a file "simple.htt"
_REQ 80
__GET / HTTP/1.1
_EXPECT headers "200 OK"
and run httest with this script with the following command:
./httest simple.htt
The test script gets googles root and test if we get a 200 OK. If not the script will fail else it will terminate with a OK and exit code 0.


A collection of sample scripts with explanation.

For More Information