Kaspersky Lab uncovers Malicious Android Applications


Kaspersky Lab uncovers Malicious Android Applications 
Kaspersky Lab has uncovered a set of malicious Android applications posing as security software. The malware is linked to the infamous Zeus Trojan, a common tool used in the theft of banking credentials. The phony security applications were first observed earlier this month, and newer versions have continued to appear, according to Kaspersky.
"On the 4th of June, 2012, we found 3 APK files of ~207 kb in size each heuristically detected by our engine as HEUR:Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.Zitmo.a. All these applications are malicious and were created to steal incoming SMS messages from infected devices. SMS messages will be uploaded to a remote server whose URL is encrypted and stored inside the body of the Trojan," blogged Denis Maslennikov, Researcher, Kaspersky.
Joji Hamada, threat analyst, Symantec Security Response, blogged, "While there are countless numbers of sites aimed at scamming computer users, there have only been a handful of sites designed for smartphones to date. Out of those, we are aware of at least two sites affiliated with the site operated by the arrested men, and they are up and running… So, with the arrest of the gang operating Android.Oneclickfraud, I am hopeful that their sister sites will be taken down soon, with more arrests to follow. However, at the time of writing they show no sign of letting up."

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