Maryland Careers: Salary, Employment And Education Information For Job Seekers in MD State
When considering relocation, you have to do your homework: cost of living differences, real estate prices, best neighbors, and best schools. Unless you are being transferred by a current employer, employment and its availability in the area are probably first on your list to research. Who are the best employers? Who are the largest employers? If the east coast happens to capture your attention, heres a brief look at the state of Maryland and what it offers jobseekers. Look at the top employers for the state.
Currently, number one is the University of Maryland College Park. In order of numbered employed, there is Us Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Godard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, National Institutes of Health-Bethesda, Washington County Recreation-Hagerstown, National Aeronautics Space Administration-Greenbelt, Northrop Grumman-Baltimore, Titan Steel Corp-Baltimore, University of Maryland Medical System-Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University-Aerospace-Laurel, US Health & Human Services Dept.-Baltimore, CareFirst Inc.-Owings Mills. Added to the list is Convergence Marketing-Millersville, Fort Detrick-Millitary-Frederick, Hydro Aluminum North America-Linthicum Heights, US Post Office-Capitol Heights, Millennium Inorganic Chemicals-Cockeysville, Applied Physics Laboratory-Laurel, Greater Baltimore Medical Center-Towson, Johns Hopkins Bayview Med Center-Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-Baltimore, Union Memorial Hospital-Baltimore, Peninsula Regional Medical Cen ter-Salisbury, GEICO Insurance-Chevy Chase, and Laurel Regional Hospital-Laurel.. Now that you are familiar with the top employers, lets look at the top jobs Maryland has to offer.
Through the year 2014, Marylands list of the top 20 jobs with expected growth over 50% contains about 20 various jobs. The occupation with the highest expected growth is that of home health aides. This comes as no surprise. In fact, the healthcare industry continues to grow nationwide; for Maryland, a 56% percent increase in jobs is expected by 2014.
The rankings and their expected rate of growth continues as follows: network systems and data communications analysts at 50%, physical therapist assistants at 46%, database administrators at 43%, computer software engineers, applications and medical assistants both with an expected growth of 42%, physician assistants at 40%, network and computer systems administrators, dental hygienists, veterinary technologists and technicians, dental assistants, and occupational therapist aides all with an anticipated 39% increase in jobs. Coming in at a 38% expected growth rate on our list of jobs is computer software engineers, systems software. At 37% are paralegals and legal assistants, 36% for each of the following: preschool teachers (except special education), physical therapist aides, and preschool, kindergarten and elementary school special education teachers. With still an impressive 35% percent increase in jobs are tile and marble setters, personal and home care aides and biomed ical engineers.
As a final note, if you notice from the list above of top jobs in Maryland, you should take notice that of those 20, more than half of them fall into two industries: health and IT (information technologies). Although only the top 20 jobs are listed in this article, in the healthcare and IT industries are other availabilities with positions such as medical equipment preparers, physicians assistants, epidemiologists, personal and home care aides, mental health counselors, health educators, mental health and substance abuse workers, child care workers, pharmacy technicians, dietitians and nutritionists, hospitalists, fitness and wellness coordinators and counselors just to name a few.
In the IT industry, you can expect other occupations such as computer and information systems managers, auditors, computer software engineers for applications and systems software, database administrators, web administrators, computer hardware engineer, robotics engineers, and operations research analysts. Careful time and consideration should be given to these areas of the job market in any city or state being considered for relocation. In spite of the current economic situation across the nation, Maryland has a lot to offer. Take the necessary time to ensure you make the right decision.
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