Mobile Utility Services in high demand


Mobile Utility Services in high demand 
Informa Telecoms & Media has estimated that end-user service revenues from mobile data and VAS (value-added services) in India will grow from US$3.9 billion in 2011 to US$15.9 billion in 2016. Mobile operators, content providers and technology vendors for mobile services have realized that they need to look beyond mobile entertainment services to grow their revenues and there is a visible shift towards using mobile to offer utility services such as mobile banking and payments, m-health, m-education, and m-governance. It is expected that the share of revenues generated by mobile utility services will increase from just 4% of the total in 2011 to 18% in 2016.
Shailendra Pandey, Senior Analyst, Informa Telecoms & Media & Author of ‘Outlook for Mobile VAS in India’ shared, “Government-led initiatives will be crucial to drive the adoption of mobile utility services in India, particularly among the poor and people living in rural parts of the country. The services need to be priced at very reasonable rates, and the government should provide subsidies, keeping in mind the social and economic development driven by such services.”

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