NC automatic programming content and the steps

NC programming is obtained from the part drawings to the NC program qualified the process, its task is to calculate the cutter location point processing. Cutter is generally for the tool axis and tool surface intersection, multi-axis machining the tool axis is given also. NC programming mainly includes: analysis of part design to determine the machining process, mathematical treatment, the preparation of parts processing, input numerical control systems, procedures, inspection and test the first pieces of cut. According to the problem complexity

different NC program can be programmed by hand or computer to get automatic programming. At present the computer graphics interactive automatic programming using automatic programming, that computer-assisted programming. This automatic programming system is a CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacturing) a high degree of integration of automated programming systems, often referred to as CAD / CAM system.

CAM programming is the most advanced NC programming method, which uses computer graphics approach to human-computer interaction to complete the computerization of geometrical shapes, path generation and machining simulation to generate the whole process of NC programming, operation vivid, high efficiency , low error probability. But also shared by the software of existing CAD data interface design results, achieve CAD / CAM integration integration-free design and manufacturing drawings.

Computer aided programming steps: To adapt to the complex shape machining, multi-axis machining, high speed processing, general computer-aided programming steps:

(1) the geometric modeling For drawings based on feature points and the surface complicated pieces of measurement data programming, the primary link is established by processing the geometric model.

(2) processing program and processing parameter selection
CNC machining efficiency and quality of the program depends on the processing and machining parameter selection, one knife, knife-axis control mode, moving path and feed rate optimization option is to meet the processing requirements of normal operation of machine tools and tool life premise.

(3) Tool Path Generation Tool path generation is the complex part machining in the shape of the most important elements, can generate a valid tool path will determine the possibility of processing, quality and efficiency. Tool path generation's primary objective is to make the generated tool path can meet without interference, no crash, track smooth, smooth cutting load and meet the requirements, code quality high. Meanwhile, the tool path generation should meet the common good, good stability, high programming efficiency, small number of codes and other conditions.

(4) CNC Machining Simulation Complex shape as parts and the complexity of the processing environment, to ensure that the resulting processing is very difficult there are no problems, foremost among which is the process in less than cut and cut, the parts of machine tools interference between the collision. For high-speed machining, these problems are often fatal. Therefore, the actual processing to take certain measures before processing inspection and correction is necessary. CNC machining simulation software to simulate the processing environment through the tool path and material removal process to test and optimize the processing of flexible, low cost, high efficiency and safety and reliability is to improve the programming efficiency and quality of important measures.

(5) post-processing

NC Post-processing is an important part of programming, it will deal with common pre-generated cutter location data into data suitable for the specific CNC machine tool processing. Its technical content, including Kinematics modeling and solving, error compensation machine structure, machine movement nonlinear error correction check, the stationary exercise machine check amendments to the speed of checking into the code amendment and conversion. Therefore, processing of post-processing to guarantee the quality, efficiency and reliable operation of the machine plays an important role