Patent infringement: is it a crime where you are?

"It wasn't my fault", said
Pinky, "I was only trying
it out to see if it worked ..."
An anxious reader of this weblog -- who for all we know may , while you are reading this, be contemplating committing his very own patent infringement -- has asked the IPKat if he can advise him as to which countries, particularly inside the European Union but even elsewhere, make it a criminal offence to infringe someone else's patent.

This Kat seems to recall that there was quite a bit of debate back in 2007 about whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to  impose criminal liability on patent infringers, this all being within the context of a proposed IP Criminal Enforcement Directive which all seems to have gone very quite of late. Trade mark and copyright infringements are criminal acts in many countries if done for commercial gain, but the Kat doesn't think there's so much patent-specific criminal law around.

Can any readers who come from countries where patent infringement is a criminal offence, or who have any useful knowledge about places that do, please post their information below.