PAVE Software and Why it Helps Your Business Presort Mail Properly

Your business needs PAVE Software solutions because it is a powerful tool to maximize your company's profitability and maintain accuracy with your data and customer profiles. The PAVE software program has been developed in collaboration with the mailing industry to assess pre-sort software while determining the accuracy of the sorting address files according to the DMM standard. This software (PAVE) is available only to the software and hardware developers. Companies that design pre-sort software or develop pre-sorting equipment for re-sale or internal use usually avail of the PAVE software.

This program is a process which evaluates and verifies the pre-sort products manufactured by developers, however, the software does not guarantee acceptance of mail prepared by PAVE certified hardware and/or software personnel. Incidentally it, however does provide national approval of computer generated facsimiles of USPS postage statements, standardization of documentati on and other pre-sort documentation.

The USPS defines a PAVE certified software product as a pre-sorting product with source codes specifically written to operate on a particular platform or operating system while being assigned a specific version number. Many products use different language compilers to process files within different operating systems or on different hardware platforms. In order to maintain the highest standards of quality assurance, PAVE certifies each product that operates on a particular platform with the correct version number.
One platform is tested on the basis of test files ordered while additional platforms would be tested randomly. PAVE software evaluates each platform of the pre-sort product separately and would issue a certificate for each platform that meets the PAVE accuracy standards. This mailer's postal automation software prepares the client's mailing list to meet USPS requirements for maximum discounts in mailing. Such PAVE certified software verifies and standardizes addresses for maintaining address accuracy.

This system eliminates duplicate records, postal re-sorts to the lowest rate possible and prints bar coded labels, tags and required postal forms. PAVE certified by the USPS guarantees highest level of address accuracy for correct delivery and assures direct mail savings. The top functioning highest quality mail management software program, PAVE, performs all the necessary tasks for complete mail preparation to maximize the client's profits while ensuring ti me saving.

This most sought after and stable software consistently complies with all US postal service links, accurately corrects and validates addresses for improved mail delivery. It also identifies and removes costly duplicates in client's data base while providing superb technical support even offering money back guarantees in case of non performance.

This software is an extremely handy tool for efficient management of data dependent business based primarily on consumer data bank. In the business world, incorrect data can be damaging to any company. If the addresses are inconsistent or inaccurate, the company suffers the cost of resending mails, losing customers and eroding its reputation in the competitive market. Direct mailing is a big business as certain products are more appealing to certain customers. A mailing list created by using this sophisticated software helps in a big way in targeting the right customers while validating records and its contents.