VMWare 8.0.4 and Linux Kernel Patches

As promised, i have VMWare Workstation on my machine and the same routine applied to the new version:

First off, remove your old VMWare installation by removing all files under these directories:

Next, start your VMWare installation using --ignore-errors parameter like this:
./VMware-Workstation-Full-8.0.4-744019.i386.bundle --ignore-errors

After that, you download the patch that you can fetch on my SlackHacks repository. Extract it and open patch-modules_3.4.0.sh file. Edit the vmreqver line and change it into 8.0.4. Give execute permission to the bash script and start it using ./patch-modules_3.4.0.sh (use root)

It will patch and recompile all VMWare modules and in the end, it should work again :)

Note: I failed at first attempt, but i tried to start over and having it compiled on second attempt. I don't know why it failed, but glad it's working just fine.

*Tested on Linux Kernel 3.4.2, Slackware-Current 32 bit, per June 15*