Z-WAMP Server Pack

Z-WAP is a lightweight zero-install Web server package that runs on Windows. The project aims to provide the latest production/stable versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP, Adminer, MiniPerl, MongoDB, MemCached, SQLite, and Alternative PHP Cache (APC) to boost server performance.

Easy-to-use controller in system tray
Contains the latest versions of the WAMP stack components
Full version includes Apache and PHP manuals (Windows help files) for offline use

The latest release of Z-WAMP (Version 2.1.5) contains:-
Apache 2.4.2
MySQL 5.5.25
PHP 5.3.14
MiniPerl 5.14.2
MongoDB 2.0.6 (PHP 1.2.10 driver)
APC 3.1.9
eAccelerator 1.0svn427
MemCached 1.4.5
XCache 2.0.0
XDebug 2.2.0rc2
Adminer 3.3.4
PHP MongoDB Admin

Head over to the Z-WAMP project site to download the server pack. Grab the flavor that suits your operating system (32-bit/i386 or 64-bit/x86_64). The full version contains the latest Apache, MongoDB, MySQL, and PHP manuals for offline use.

All users are encouraged to upgrade to this new release. The latest version contains lots of new features, usability improvements, bug fixes, and security updates to the Z-WAMP components.
Please make sure you remove all traces of other WAMP stacks installed on your Windows PC to prevent conflicts. Double check your PATH environment variable.

To start using the software, simply unpack the ZIP archive in any directory on your hard disk - something like C:\Program Files (x86)\ZWAMP or C:\Program Files\ZWAMP. You can also transfer the files to a USB stick. If you prefer a non-portable setup, create a shortcut tozwamp.exe on your desktop, quick launch bar or the Start Menu, double-click the shortcut and you're done with the setup! Z-WAMP will create a virtual drive on your computer (Z: usually) and an icon should appear immediately in your system tray. Right-click on this icon to access all features of the Z-WAMP stack.

Once the Web server is up, you can drop all your Web site files in the /web directory. Typehttp://localhost in your Web browser's address bar and you now have a working Web site.

If you want Z-WAMP to run automatically every time you log into your computer, simply enable the "Run on Windows startup" option.

If you wish to uninstall the package, it's as simple as deleting the folder where you installed it.

Note: Please set up a MySQL root account and password as soon as you can. See the MySQL online documentation for details.