200+ Site Got Hacked by 8lack 3y3s

Bangladeshi hacking Group name as "3xp1r3 Cyber Army" hacked 200+ sites by 8lack 3y3s of different countries include lot of amount of Australian sites. These kind of attacks are clearly showing how much awareness about security is need in cyber world. 3xp1r3 Cyber Army already hack a 7,000+  sites and we can see all info of hacked sites on there zone-h.

The list of impacted sites was published on Pastebin yesterday, but at press time, most of them still weren’t restored.

 While these mass defacements may not seem to have devastating effects, many website owners complain that it takes quite an effort to fully recover after such a hack. Few days ago they also hack 860+ Sites Defaced By 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

Hacked Site List:

Zone-H Mirror:

Zone-HACK Mirror:

Hack-DB Mirror:

z-z0ne Mirror: