Are You Having Second Thoughts About Your Florida Divorce Lawyer?

Getting divorced is hard enough as it is. The last thing you need is further complications resulting from hiring the wrong Florida divorce lawyer to handle your case. Make no mistake. Not all divorce lawyers are the same. Not every lawyer provides the level of service and expertise you desire.

If you find yourself having second thoughts about the Florida divorce lawyer you've hired to handle your case, you need to seriously consider your options. Should you switch lawyers in the middle of your case?

Here are some warning signs that might indicate you've chosen the wrong divorce attorney.

If you're unable to ever reach your attorney, it's not a good sign. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship between client and attorney, and it's important that you choose an attorney who keeps you updated on the status of your case and is available to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have.

However, you do need to remember that you're not your lawyer's only client. So, it's important that you give your lawyer a reasonable amount of time to return your phone calls and reply to your emails. You can't reasonably expect your attorney to devote his or her every waking moment to talking to you. Your lawyer has other things to work on, so don't be overly demanding.
If your lawyer doesn't have a lot of experience handling Florida divorce cases, you may not have chosen the right legal representation for your needs.

You need to make sure that the lawyer you choose specializes in divorce cases in Florida. Your lawyer should be handling multiple divorce cases on a regular basis, so that he or she knows Florida family law inside and out. An experienced divorce lawyer can prove to be an invaluable asset during your case.

If your lawyer is billing you at rates that seem unreasonably high, it could be a sign that you're being overcharged or, even worse, being charged for services that aren't actually rendered. Some things to look for in your billing statements: charges for attempted phone calls, charges for staff taking messages, etc.

The truth is most lawyers are honest and won't overcharge you, but it's important that you're a well informed client. Always review your billing statements closely to ensure t hey are accurate and reasonable.

If your lawyer has no compassion for your situation, it could be a sign that you've chosen the wrong Florida divorce lawyer. Look, your lawyer isn't there to be your therapist, but at the same time, you don't want to be treated like just another case file number.

The best divorce lawyers show signs of compassion for their clients, and they understand the difficulties you're facing in your life right now. If your lawyer lacks even the most basic compassion, it could be time to look elsewhere for a Florida divorce attorney.

These are just some of the huge red flags that indicate you may have hired the wrong divorce lawyer. Be informed, and always act in your best interest.