BSEL acquires 51.1% stake


Birla Shloka Edutech Limited (BSEL) has announced the acquisition of 51.1% stake in Ojus Healthcare Private Ltd.
Owing to the majority ownership, Ojus Healthcare has allotted 12,50,000 equity shares and has become a subsidiary of BSEL. Under the terms of acquisition, the operations of Ojus will be managed jointly by BSEL and Ojus’s promoters. Further, two of BSEL’s personnel (Vijay Mishra and Sunil Abraham) have duly been appointed on the Board of Ojus.
N. Srikrishna, Managing Director, BSEL, said “The acquisition of e-governance will be a strategic fit for us and will further complement the bouquet of our educational services. The acquisition is expected to translate into additional revenues of Rs. 20 crore, on account of Ojus’s robust e-governance business.” 

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